Americas Society  Presents: Postmodern FLUTE Project 2024-2034

Americas Society Presents: Postmodern FLUTE Project 2024-2034

Postmodern FLUTE Project 2024-2034

Voice is a particular sound made by something with a soul;

for nothing which does not have a soul has a voice. Aristotle, De Anima


Concert for flute, electroacoustic music and voice

Guest artist: Carla López Speziale, mezzosoprano

Mexican flute virtuoso Alejandro Escuer is coming back to NYC after many years of tours, recordings and concerts, including several premieres for flute and orchestra dedicated to him. In this occasion, you will have a unique opportunity to listen to a highly original program for solo flute and electroacoustic mixed pieces that gather some of the most intriguing, controversial and expressive composers of the contemporary classical world, including the now famous Mexican composer Gabriela Ortiz (b. Mexico 1964) with an evocative piece for amplified flute, voice and violoncello that will be performed along with Carla López Speziale.  In the program it is also listed a piece done by cutting and editing recording sound tapes by hand based on a rare interview of Billie Holiday matching Billie´s spoken words with flute melodies and intricate rhythms by Dutch composer Jacob ter Veldhuis (b. Netherlands 1951). It also includes music by Alejandro Escuer, for example a piece called Dreaming the End of War (2023), a moving work inspired by the interdisciplinary collective project called Can We Know the Sound of Forgiveness; you will also hear Manuel Rocha Iturbide (b. México 1963) Semi no Koe based on the hypnotic sound of Japanese cicadas and how insects could easily take over our planet facing climate change; the world premiere of Maquin-Son by Gonzalo Macías (b. México 1958), and Maquinaria (2015), a US premiere by Jorge Verdin (b. Los Angeles 1965-2024) who was known under the pseudonym of Clorofila, for he was also a member of Nortech, a Norteño-Techno music project born in Tijuana. Both pieces, Maquin-Son and Maquinaria reflect on how technology and machines help but also alienate and destroy humans. Postmodern Flute Project starts this year and will continue for several years with new pieces, commissions and premieres until 2034, when the flutist plans to dedicate his time fully to composing. This first concert will be without a doubt one of the most eclectic, contrasting and interesting of its kind.


ATL  Arte sonoro sobre agua

ATL Arte sonoro sobre agua

Nic chalchiuh–cozcameca quenmach tòtóma in nocuic.

Veo mi canto desplegarse en mil direcciones, como una sarta de piedras preciosas.

Nezahualcóyotl, Emperador de Texcoco (1402-1472)

Alejandro Escuer, música y flauta

Hugo Solis, arte sonoro

Rodrigo Sigal, música acusmática

Iván Manzanilla, percusiones

René Roquet, productor.

Sunday, November 10 12:00 pm noon Fuente del patio posterior de El Colegio Nacional.
Donceles 104, Centro Histórico. Entrada libre. Clausura conferencias Libertad por el saber.

Concebido por Alejandro Escuer y desarrollado en colectivo por los artistas involucrados, ATL es una instalación de arte sonoro con participaciones instrumentales (flautas y percusiones) al aire libre o en espacios alternativos semi-abiertos cuyo eje fundamental es el agua y la importancia del líquido en la configuración de la historia del ser humano. ATL se relaciona profundamente con la cosmovisión y filosofía de los antiguos mexicanos y con los procesos que destruyeron esa cosmovisión, sustituyéndola por nuevas formas de urbanismo y modernidad importadas, las cuales han encontrado fuertes contradicciones históricas con el entorno. ATL presenta una propuesta cuya elocuencia y expresividad sonora aluden directamente a la conciencia y revaloración ecológica no solo del propio líquido, sino también de su historia e importancia para la vida y el futuro. Se trata de una experiencia inmersiva, es decir, envolvente de alto poder y elocuencia sonora que aproveche la infraestructura del Parque presa de la olla con el fin de que el público aprecie y disfrute de una experiencia única, memorable. Parte de la audiencia podría estar en trajineras y/o en uno o dos flancos, de manera que la presa esté rodeada de bocinas de alta calidad, definición y proyección.