
Academic work

Alejandro Escuer is an active professor and music scholar. He has been giving master classes and seminars in many universities and conservatories around the world.

Internationally, Alejandro Escuer has given master classes and seminars on New Extended Techniques for the Flute (both for flutists and composers), on Contemporary Music and Latin American Repertoire, Chamber Music Coaching among other related subjects in many institutions over the years, including:

  • Columbia University 2003
  • New York University 2000, 2005, 2009
  • Indiana University 2008
  • San Diego State University 2001
  • Los Angeles State University 2001
  • University of California Santa Cruz 2001
  • University of California Davis 2004
  • University of California Riverside 2006
  • Mills College 2001
  • California Institute of the Arts 2001

  • Mannes College of Music 1999, 2006
  • Birmingham University 2003
  • University of Maryland 2007
  • Universidad EAFIT Colombia 2009
  • Arkansas University at Little Rock 2007
  • Oklahoma University 2007
  • Wesleyan University, Illinois 2009
  • University of Iowa 2009
  • Universidad Autónoma de Costa Rica 2004, 2010
  • University of Chicago 2010
  • Universidad de los Andes 2010
  • Hull University (UK) 2011
  • University of Texas en Austin 2010
  • Concordia University Montreal 2010
  • Conservatorio de Valencia 2011
  • Boise State University, Idaho 2012
  • Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien, Hannover Germany, 2012
  • Escuela Superior de Música ESMUC España 2017.
  • Brown University, Providence 2023.

Tenure Professor at

UNAM Facultad de Música

Alejandro Escuer is a full tenure professor at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and as such he has designed and imparted several seminars for the undergraduate and graduate programs:

Academia de música contemporánea: President and founder

For the undergraduate programs:

  • Cátedras magistrales interdisciplinarias (CAMI), Creator and founder
  • Seminario de música contemporánea (SEMUC) co-founder
  • Music interpretation and Contemporary Music Seminar. Creator and founder
  • Chamber music coaching for soloists and ensembles with emphasis on XX and XXI century repertoire of living composers.

For the graduate programs

  • Performance, Creation and New Technologies Interdisciplinary Music Seminar. Cofunder
  • Analysis Applied to Music Interpretation Seminar. Creator.
  • Music Improvisation Seminar. Creator.